The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)




it hours from New York OPEN JUNFl 21 Unequalled Sailing, Bathing, Automoblllng. Driving, Tennis, Golf, Dancing. Lung Distance Telephone In every room. New Grill. New hoat pervke.

Dairy and garden products from our own farms. "The Branford House Farms." Kor Booklet, Terms, address D. SAXTON, Mgr. ALSO Illin, THE BELLE VIEW, liellealr, Fla. Come Up to Pocono This Summer You'll Enjoy the Best Vacation You Ever Had.

The mountains are full of young people, and the fun is the simple, spontaneous kind that costs very little, but means such a LAlvL CriAMrLAlIN and THE ADIRONDACK A TP QC1RI11TY a lull, nvvuwwviu, from the. Great Centers of Population, form combination most desirable to the Tourist. The Delaware Hudson good time. The Pocono Mountain Special and other splendid Lackawanna trains make the trip in VA hours from New York. The altitude is 2,000 feet, which means cool nights and no' mosquitoes.

You are sure to like it and certain to find a comfortable place to stay. The Lackawanna Railroad summer book "Mountain and Lake Resorts" will help you plan your trip. It is free at these ticket offices Lines Reach such prominent resorts as JJ SARATOGA SPRINGS LAKE GE COOPERSTOWN LAKE PL HOTEL CHAMPLAIN, as every one knows. NEW YORK. Corner Wall St.

Corner Howard St. Corner 28th St. Corner 42d St. BROADWAY They also serve hundreds BROOKLYN 505 Fulton St. NEWARK.

Broad and Market Sta, Summer Paradise of the Empire State which appeal especial to him who desires a real holiday at a more reasonable Write today for our free summer, book (360 pages), sending six cents postage to A. A. HEARD, G. P. Albany, N.

Y. Schools and Colleges For Boys and Young Men. For Boys and Young Men. GET THESE TWO BOOKS "Marthas Vineyard" "Nantucket" They picture and describe the summer pleasures at these quaint A GOOD SCHOOL of smaller resorts situated in pricey eoftmwr Station, Boston. vii.

nun j. rur Hue. motor noat over all, about 5H-foot beam, 14-16 h. Utt MISSION' SETTEE, ROCKER and CHAIR for sale; can Men at 113 bridge place. ffVnon i.rt A a Islands in the Ocean Tfa "Where Summer is Five hlFnirfirii Septembers Long- flS' Room 769, South The New England Lines 171 Broadway, New York is recognized as such on account of it Aims and Purposes, System of Instruction, Competent and Experienced Instruction Force, Complete and Up-to-Date Equipment, and, finally, its Successful Graduates.

THE NEW YORK ELECTRICAL SCHOOL aims to supply the demand for men who know how to work. Its purpose is to make the student a thorough mechanic. The system followed is "Learn by Doing," or, by actually doing the work, learn to do it perfectly. The instruction staff is the best that can be gotten. The equipment represents the most complete installation to be found in any school to-day.

Our graduates are holding positions of responsibility in all parts of the world. Come and see a "Good School" in operation, or, if you cannot call, write for free prospectus. 17th New York. The New York Electrical School 30 West j) Readers9 Bargain Counter ARM-f Cm- K-f engine, yiuicn ana reverie gear, rpray- i hood, cushions and complete equipment all in tine condition; price THOS, F. DOM- Greenwich (on the Sound), Conn.

Season Mav 27 to October New York Town Country, 389 5th av. miles from New Tork, 45 minutes ride. Superior stable and garage. Autos for rent. Cafe and Tea Room Casino Golf Tennis Music.

Send for new booklet and road map. V. P. SIMPSON. Manager.

HOTEL BERKSHIRE 1,200 Feet Above Sea. At the innimlt of th I1 1 1 1n i nly thre honrt from New York) Ink Ave mile long driving, tlsliliift, both in(, golt, horhoek ridinK, ration, hHltti nud rvt rate 014 and 16 per week now open writ for Mtftloirne Klvlnir foil Information. KL, CLINTON, Litchfield. Conn. Sachem's Head Hotel, Guilford, Ct.

Hilltops and seashore combined with beautiful rural surroundings; highest elevation; overlooking widest part of Sound; finest bathing 1'nch, boating and fishing; excellent cuisine nnd management; ideal family resort for re-lined people. Booklet. Write for Special Bates Fourth of July and Week End Vacations. Mrs. ANNIE CONN.

Pine Rocks; large house; Urge piazzas: converdences; fine groundH; hour balhiiig. boating, fishing; trolley to Roton Point; seaside attractions; Address B. it. tiox -18, uince. SHll'PH rOIiVT ninmiunit i.ii.i.

Directly on the Sound; o00 ft. of sandy beaoh; best of bathing; 45 minutes from Grand Central, L. M. KIGBY. ONLY 78 mile, from In a small Con necticut village, noaraing at a pinwni i house; HI hiln.

from beautiful country. Write Mis. A. H1LMBR (of Brooklyn) Brook-field. Conn, GUILFORD POINT HOUSE, Guilford, family resort, delightfully located on Long Island Sound; moderate ratei.

SCOTT M. BRYAN, Mgr. CARTER HOUSE, Newcp*rnen8ton On Lake. Waramaug. Only hours from N.

Y. Boating, blthlng and excellent fishing, AUBEL1.A HOUSE, Ocean Beach, New London, beautifully situated; fine roads, boating, fishing and bathing, amusem*nts; Improvements. Sirs. DANIEL WBTMOR1. BOARD among the hills of beautiful Rldge-fleld' large house, shade; excellent table supplied from our farm of SOO acres: largo lake within easy access.

H. L. Itklgeneld, Box 5. CASINO HOTEL, Beach Park, Conn, (station Grove Beach); pretty good place for your vacation; sea air, sea food; circular tells; pictures show. $10 and $12.

Family patronage. WANTED, summer boarders; country, cool, high, heallhful, fine view, pleasant rooms; 'mating, fishing- adults only; terms reasonable. Mrs. M. E.

TOMLINSON, Shelton, Conn. MAPLEHtrftST FARM, Wlnstod. located In beautiful Litchfield Hills; spring water; good table; home comforts; reasonable; Address M. WEINIO. CORNWELL INN, Kent, beginning of the Berkshire Hills; Housatonic River within r.

minutes walk; same distance to station; large rooms and bath; fresh vegetables and eggs. LAKE VIEW HOUSE, Boating, bathing, Ashing, tennis, $8 to 10 per week; booklet. JT. HEIRENDT, Prop. WANTED country boarder; homelike cooking; good garden fine, healthful plane; $7 a week.

Mrs. CHAS. D. GUIS EN, West Nor-v Mt, Conn. 1 1 KLD 1-i OC a 13 Oree nwlch, Conn on the Sound: 10 minutes from station; boating, bathing, fishing, tennis; large grounds.

M. F. held, Eli Mono. Country. rool, high, healthful.

Fine view. Pleasant rooms. Boating, fishing. Adults only, Terms reasonable. M.

E. TOMI.INSO.V, Hhelton, Cnnn. CAMPS. poys summer Hudson Hiver Military Academy. 1 'iermont -on-Hudflon hour from New York; fishing, boating, horseback riding, swimming taught io all for eight weeks, In-i hiding regular camp uniform.

For booklet address OHM H. YTTRELL, city representative, 2iiU Greene av, Brooklyn, 'OllKuliT MATHRS CAMP Women, girls, r-urliain, N. H. boHting, nalt water bathing: tftit*; nisi th" place for vour daughter; booklet. F.

P. MATH ICS, Dover, N. H. MORTON'S Camp for Girls, on the Cove, Maitinick, Long Island; a place for iris to be sj.fe, well and happy. Circular.

MftK. MORTON'S Camp lor Girls, on the i 'mvc. MiiitUui'k. I j. 1.

a plum for girl to le sife. well and happy. Circular. tu CANADA. ROYAL MOSKOfi HOTEL, LAKE R0SSEAU, CANADA.

HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO. A modern hotel, delightfully situated on an Island in Iake Rosseau; every outdoor amusem*nt, including golf, tennis, boating, bathing, fishing, lawn bowling. OPEN Jt'NK 24 TO REPT. 20, 1911. For booklet and Special June and July rates, Address 1,.

MA XPON, Mgr. THIS PORTLAND, Big lildeau Lake, Na-Hire's Sanatorium; open June house on lake; first class fishing, bans and salmon modem, up-to-date ull conveniences. For partlculare, Mre. f*ckpkric j. FALDTKO.

Portland, Tweeds Ontario, NOVA SCOTIA. WIRCHDAl.n HOTKL, Hal)fnx, Nova Scotia; Perfect I'll mate beautiful sreniM-y; refined sn- in, imuiiiiB. usuing; specliil iki os Juno nnd Sepi ember open all yeur round; I winter Rttraeiir.nn. Full pitr- I tloulars appllciition. yiT-Kssu I NEW BRUNSWICK.

E.OAKD at woil-fuifdshed iioune; good nT i i hr oni- of prMtto.t I'ouniry places in CHn-tidp; laniili'fi prelerred. Airs. J. McL-AY, Cross i X. P.

I FC1V Hampton, Annn N. S. Meant If ul scctih' f-cHwide resort Sfiid for h. f. MCNllo, Hridsflown, Annapu-lip C.

'n-n S'-otia. BERMUDA. 1 and KR tlic HAMILTON HOTEL Bermuda Fireproof Sinn1 Const niei ln iirwiiK limn iill rooms uufide and with alta'iH'd. Sitimtcd on a hill (. Vi'uutiriil X'iflurla Vnvk tin- 1 hr and the tiarN'r Hi fther.

nnd swept by liVfcziH on all Tlfguuentiil 'Main! i onrTt weekly by I. M. liatitilidn Pt''l-foriiphire RcrIhiptu SPECIAL SUMMER TARIFF Hamilton Hrrniuda, EUROPEAN S2SCET3. BEFORE SAILING FOR EIIKOl'B write TOWN AXI rOI'NTRV. Klflh av N.

for booklet Waldorf Hotel. London, JMu-12t a bu UOIIIXIN HOTELS, Bnoklt Town and 380 Gt'n Av. N. T.t EESORT SPECIALTIES. WHP, INSURE YOUR BAGGAGE WITH Til It! Insurance Company of North America For rnst and to FLATT A FiBM 11.

ManaKera, 40 Exchange l'lave, V. CltT. i BROOKLYN COLLEGE Under the Direction of tl.e Jesuit Fathers CROWN HEIGHTS 1125 carroll street Between Nostrand and Rogers Aves. REGULAR UNIVERSITY COLLEGE COURSE Leading to A. Applicants received for Freihmen, Sophom*ore and Junior Year.

HIGH SCHOOL GRAMMAR SCHOOL Discipline. Third Year Double the First Year. H. O'ROURKE, S. President.

A LOWLY TEACHER. The Philosopher Enters Into a Profit. able Conversation With His Dog. Borne years ago one ot our Amerloan bishops wrote a sonnet about bis dog, who must have been a noble animal. I have forgotten how the sonnet ran; all I can recall is the first line: "I well believe he thinks that I am God." "When I read It and some ot the good bishop's personal traits came rather vividly to mind, my first mental response was that It was no wonder the dog thought so, it he had seen the bishop, as I had, in the dignity ot full oanonicals.

Then I chided myself for being so impudently profane; and, of course, that was not the reason at all. The church vestments had nothing to do with It. I have seen dogs look up with equal devotion to men in overalls. We read of dogs that licked the sores of beggars, and we know what poor apologies for masters doge will be faithful to, even though their worship goes wholly wasted. A very significant thing when you think of it; it became one of my first lessons In theology.

For it seems to reveal that such nn emotion exists in the core of creation, even in the strata below us. There are creatures in aotual existence in whom has been put-the instinct to look upward from their station to beings higher in the scale, to choose these foe friends and masters, to stand by them and reverence them, not for what they oau gain by it for too often, abating no Jot of fidelity, they get but kicks and hard words but purely as a spontaneous, intrinsic outflow of dog nature. I like to contemplate a creation that iB rich enough to Include such a thing as this; to contain disinterested affection as a widespread elemental fact; it gives me a better opinion of the universe. Some things, scholars tell us, are more fully evolved in the animals than in man; the eye in the eagle, the swift foot In the stag. I should be sory to think that, because the lord ot creation gets things so tangled up with reason and selfishness, the dog should have got the start of us In this virtue.

I am glad he is not self-conscious; that would spoil it all. Many times a day Caleb comes to my armchair, as I sit studying, with no apparent purpose except just to say, "How do you nnd, never without waiting for the word of permission, he jumps up on my knee, remains a minute, and then goes about his affairs. And many a time I have been half startled by a wondering yet wholly loving expression in the great brown eyes so inquiringly searching mine. Only asking me to drop the prosy book and go walking with him? No; that expression is quite different. Those eyes look as if they were searching for something that we two might hold In common and so have a silent understanding ot each other.

Is it something higher than can enter his dog consciousness? I am often moved to respond: It's you and Caleb. We do know each other in somethings, don't we?" And there comes a twinge of pathos in it too; and, oddly enough it sets me thinking of what an apostle once said about a whole creation groaning In pain and travail together, waiting for some adoption which should redeem the body. 1 am sometimes silly enough to ask him: "Do you too, Caleb, belong to that vast continuous line of upward-looking, on-ward-looking things? Are you. too, dimly conscious of waiting for something which is destined to come somehow by the way of the higher orders? Does the flrst-born of every Creature make his relationship felt in some fur-off way even as you?" He never answers me except by that wistful look, which vanishes as soon as 1 begin to theologize; but the look has on me the strange effect of worship, si) that 1 am almost, afraid to recall the bishop's sonnet. Who am to be scrutinized' so? What, is man's office in tho sum of things, when such great liquid eves are gazing up at him from below? John Franklin Genung in Harper's Magazine.

DRIFTS OF POPULATION. Some unexpected results of the drift of population and tendency of certain dis tricts to grow faster than others are shown in the H'ln census. 1 1 is to be observed that the Kastern states, are generally growing more rapidly than those of the Middle West. Ohio. Indiana.

Michigan, Missouri and Kansas all show a lower percentage of gain than Illinois, while Iowa shows an actual loss. Not enly New York, hut also Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Hhode Island, show a greater percentage of increase than Ihncis. If. on tae othtr hand, we turn to the Far West, we iinil a very high uu. of growth, ihe imr'ase in San Francisco, Cortland.

Seattle and other centers being phenomenal. The conclusion Is, therefore, that the nation's growth in population is greater in the ttbjt stites both East and West. While there has been much talk about the "return to the farm." either the movement, is not fully under way, or it has not become strong enough to be reflected in the census tables. The 11110 census shows the same swift growth of cities as compared with rural districts which was observable in census reports of former years. The superior growth ot both Ailantie and Pacific coast dls- uets seems to show tile strung influence exerted by commerce and the opportunities it.

affords. While each individual city is proud of figures showing rapid growth in population, the tendency of cities to grow at the expense of the country is not a healthy one. It is to be hoped that the next census will show that the tide has begun to run in the other direction. Rochester Times. 7 This Summer go to the GREEN MOUNTAINS of Vermont, or to the shores and islands of LAKE CHAMPLAIN and enjoy "the best vacation yet," here in this ideal vacation land.

Endless opportunities for recreation. Accommodations to suit the purse and taste of all, from modern hotels to old-fashioned farmhouses. Send 4c for Book giving full Information and beautiful photographic views of this vacation land reached by the Rutland R.R. Direct Route to MONTREAL Address E.J. O'Hayer, 1216B' way.N.V.

mm Catskill Mountains nnl e.I for picturesque and romantic scenery, Tht, pjorious air, Ihe mag-nificenl vlew3 ain comfortable ac-( oniniiMlat iotiH ni a t'eat attraction thiji mount a in region which la a pni-adlso tor chihlren and a sanitarium lor everybody. TliE ISLSTE3 DELAWARE R. B. in I'ulimction with West Shore Hail-luad form the only all rail through car line liptween New York and all points in this famous mountain region. The summer time schedule for of 1911 will to In effect Sunday, June lHtl.

An illustrated" Summer Book with map of Ihe Cafskills and Hat of hotels and hoarding houses will be Bent free on receipt of ti cents pos'age. N. A. E'Sia, General l'assenor Agent, Kingston. N.

Y. Spend your vacation on Quaint Cape Cod for vacations seashore, wootfs, country, hoHting, Write fori free beautifully ilhistrate.1 hook, to Advertising Bureau, Room 674, South Station, Boston, Mass. I'or tu Itif uuiairoi ai'i'ly to City Ticket Office, 171 Broadway, N. The New England Lines PUTTING HIM EIGHT. "The most laconic person I know of Is a (loaf and tlumli chap in our neighborhood," said a man who was traveling by train to the.

city. "Hi! never writes on his little pad more than enough io onn-v. his meaning. He Is a good i-ribtaso player, and ono ninht he won a watch and chain from a yoiinK man. The rather met the mule.

The deaf and dumb man produced his little pad. On it the iiatc father wrote: "I understand you won Hob's sold watch the other niRlu." "Mo handed It to the deaf and duni'i man, ami expected to see him offer to give up the spoil. Not so, however. Instead, ho took the pad, and returned it. "Inscribed thereon were the words: 'And "St.

Paul Dispatch. I Jk dBook Illustrating and descrih- I p-Z- I dinS Long Island Resorts, free 3it L. I R. ticket offices, I B'way 5th Ave 23d 1 St (5th Ave N. "1r scntl 10c postage to Gen.

1iiu'i n'l u.gssssi ARM RIFIE, Swiss magazine, repeater; perfect condition, like new, $3, GUN, Box iy, Eagle oliicre. BABY carriage; Pullman sleeper type; excellent condition; serviceable as carriage or go-cart; $1U; original coat $24. GRIFFIN, 40 Clinton st. BARGAINS in diamond rings, fancy gc rings and solid silverware. ANTHONY MOORS, 11 Columbia av, Woodhaven, N.

Y. BOOK A Sacri nee handsome sectional dwarf bookcase; line order. 354 Carlton av. Tel. Prospect.

BOOKS Fine set of Dumas works, 15 good, condition; also set of Washington Irving'a works, jo nearly new. Call lOfll Fulton St. 18-7 HI CYC I Fairly good condition for sale cheap. 6ti) Forty-seventh st. j-7 BICYCLE; model; in good condition; for side ti or offer.

Apply SCHLOER, 332 Hamburg av. 18-7 1 iON'SDM KFER TYPEWRITER, with cave; good condition; just the thing for traveling man; will sell for $15; worth $40. Ad-drs W. If. GiiAFF, 854 Fulton at.J a-tnaica.

J-7 CARACUL COAT, new, size 38, length 3G; price f3S. EMI Li 3SI Bridge St. 7rIj.Cwni"sellhandsome violoncello. In perfect condition; it ls a full-sized instrument with excellent tone and has been used In orchestra; with bow and bag, $Uo; great ehance for a beginner. 'MUSICIAN, Box F.agle main office.

18-7 DINING ROOM CHAIRS--One arm-chair and round extension table for sale; low price, lwfl Fulton at. 18-7 DAVENPORT, practically new, oak frame, upholstered with black leather; cost $40; will sell for Apply Mrs. L. RYAN, 124 Av near Culver line. 18-7 DESK CHAIR, high revolving, suitable for office; good condition; $8.

Address N. Box 18. Kaglft office. DINING ROOM TABLE Handsome, finely Ink-hed, solid oak, mission finish, 0 feet when extended. Will sell cheap.

J. A. BURESAI.I,, OR overt st. DOGS Two registered Boston terrier brood bitches: evenly marked; good all over; 2Va and I'i years old Ch. Innes Arden and Little Derby Hoy strain; won first at last Brighton Beach show; both soon in season will sell right.

Call or address I C. JAY, 973 Putnam av. near Ralph. 18-7 'C A. glve In exchange for anvthlng of value.

MUTUAL, Box 10, Eagle ollice. 18-7 Electric fixtures; 3 old-brass finish. 4-light fixtureis; nearly new; $10 for all; coat $.10. 11. W.

BALDWIN 608 Kill I on street. 18-7 FOR HALE, household goods, crockery, kitchen ware, furniture, paintings, etc. by widower; for 3 days; 9 to 12 A.M. A. YOUNG, 173 Bergen st.

City. S0 of good garden hose, wire bound, complete with nozzle and reel. Address 920 Greene av. 1S-7 Gol.D I'ARLOR marble bunt and pedestal, gold parlor cahlnet will sell cheap to quick buyer. Call mornings.

542 McDonough street. 1S-7 GO-CART, FOLDING, nearly new, will sell Call Unit Fulton st. 18-7 Go CART and a haby carriage; wheels rubber tired; condition: both for here's a bargain. Address ti Jeffrey av, Jamaica, 1. 18-7 "HALL CHANDELIER-" wanted; suitable for refined, handwome city residence.

Give full particulars and price. ALL, Box 40, Eagie office. 1S-7 II A I Hi 'I VI -O EH ED FURN ITU E-Solhl malMKany. hand carved; one large settee and four chairs, in first-class condition: made when furniture making was an art; furniture, the like of which you will never ee again; an unusual opportunity to obtain furniture Unit is more than antique; price very low. CHARLES KOKTHIiN, Thompson l-'arit.

Glen i ove. Long Island. lb-7 ILU'STR AT BOOK, new; with hundreds of maps and scenes In all parts of world; publicist rs' price $10; will sell for One work for students. W. H.

127 Union Hall st, Jamaica, L. 18-7 I N'CCBATOL Essex eggs, with hH accessories, East Second new. Capacity 25 Address EACOClv, 1S-7 INVALID WHEEL CHAIR, will sell cheap. 10. 1 Fulton st.

rood condition, 11-7 KNIVES Wanted half a dozen or a dozen good piarl handle dinner kni vop. What have you? A. T-. Box 17, Eagle office. 1S-7 KODAK Wanted Eastman folding.

No. 2 or No. 3 preferred; must be In good condition and a bargain. EASTMAN, Box 21, Eagle office. 18-7 AM Tnrlor lump, oil: new: will pt.

11 for Apil Sterling place. wortl) 10 when CALLAHAN. 40 1K-V LAWN MOWBR, hnll nionthH; costs sell hearing: tivo 11,2 (JariU'h! place. first lift. LOTS lots, Flatbuwil.

free am! clear; want (lianiomis or What is offered? JOHN il. IIEI.HAKUT, Fultnn st. 18-7 T.AniKS" SI' IT Block ana while checked; slightly worn; size 36: will sell cheap. Address W. K.

Box 30. Eagie office. 18-7 MOVING PIOTUKFi MACHINE Worth S45; will sell for $15 with films and three dozen Ildes: bent for home use. Address JOHN HUMM1S, SW Atlantic av, Brooklyn. iiri.ii, Aaeipni at, irooKiyn.

Call nings from 6 to 7. njg ORIENT liiCYCLE (lady'a)-rst-olaaa condition, new tires, easy running-; will 111 for $8. Call In rug store. 1218 Fulton li-T cally new: cost 40; together with 8 frowar 60 for JIS. OALTjAIWW.

430 Sterling place. wanted; size 38 or 40, in tooi be cheap. Give aU parff 4 2 ovens: good condition: for sale; J7.50. S. T.

Box. Eagleoffice jjj RISCORDS-Wanted opertio record for rio-s a te Drrce h' in perfect la'i j1JMBnic7LEagle office. 18-7 oa.c orancn. tin? jjiL Wincheater renatr qo Shot, with nasm In 32 Egle office. lt-7 SAFE, second hand, for sale: three SAFBi-Fairbank standard double door safe McQRATH, Nlnety-MeotTd st and I-ort Hamilton av.

iJVILyoUr we make them ovef Into fine revers Me rugs. Samolea STOVE Oas stove, $1.50: bureau narloj table, TJNDT, 781 Union st. SLOor 32-foot auxiliary sloop. "Hebe77, two 62-pound Babbitt anchors, clble, block! ropes: 6-horse power engine; sails in fine con-dltion; for sale; $200 If bought within tw. ave'nw A.

BROWN" 1634 New To SURRET-Open; rubber upholstered, Claxton clip shafts, recently painted; will sell for chaige of $12. McCREKRT, .106 Flush- tenor7tr75mtonb andcoRNr.rr or ii must be InoM; five full particulars. INStptt. Box orflce. i-7 J'L wnnte.d', 7x7x7T-foot waifs, rolls aid' complete must be In good shape and reasonable.

Address WILDS, Box 3, Eagle Bedford branch jgj TRI'CK Double windlass rack truck; very reasonable: Al condition. McGRATH, Ninety-second st and Fort Hamilton av. 1J-T TYPEWRITER Williams, writhing In sight, practically new; to quick buyer, $15; also extension oak table, In good condition, wjth leaves. $2 to quick buyer. VAN NAME, 1173 Broadway.

TYPEWRITER Remington; old model, but in perfect will sell for $10. TYPIST. Box 19. Eagle office. TYPEWRITER Who will give $20 for tini Remington No.

6 7 Yon can't beat It, If you get it new troin the company. CHANCE, Box 34 Eagle office. TYPEWRITER Remington No. 6: Just like new; used only a few months; $35 if taken at once; It writes like a charm and must to he appreciated. STUDENT, Box 36, Eagle TYPEWRITER "Underwood selling fine ma- cnine; perrect condition: on account of travel only $27; can't be duplicated anywhere: this ls a real bargtialn.

BE QUICK, Box 60, Eagle office. ij-7 VICTOR PHONOGRAPH No. 5, with records, wanted: must be exceptional bargain. NUMBER FIVE, Box 22. Eagle office.

18-7 VIOLIN Can you use any of these In a trade? Make quick offer. No postals. Fine old violin and bow and box. $2i; parlor gas radiator, 4 pipes, gilded, two gas stoves, parrot cage, concave razor, bag of music, shoe laster kit of tools, N'OALAN, 47 Dean st, third flat. 1S-T WATCH Gent's 19k.

heavy hunting-case watch, fine Swiss movement: cost $150; will sell for $40. F. Box 10, Eagle office. WTNTER OVERCOAT Tor sale; fine velvet collar; made by one of Brooklyn's beat custom tailors; little used; butt 42; price Box 18. Eagle office.

lg.f CONTINUAL DOUBT. "How many children have you?" asket! the tourist, affably. "I dunno exactly," answered the tired-lciokln? woman. "You don't know?" "Not for certain. Willie's gone flshln'.

Tommy's breakin' in a colt, George has borrowed his fathers shotgun to go hunt-In', and Esmeralda Ann is thinklu' ot elopin'. I never know how many I've got nil supper time comes, so I can couttl Macks National Montnly. igle UT mv Thorough Training. Apply for Catalogue. Co-Educational.

mi IJuy and Night CIitfapH. r' 'or Mtalo(r. Xansmoi INSTRUCTION HALF A CENTURY BROWNE'S UKOOKI.YiN 111 SIKSS COI.I.EGK, rinlhllKh A lit Fulton St. tisy nnd Xtirlit Sessions all summer. Individual Instruction.

Write, call or telephone. Bookkeeping, Typewriting, Telegraphy. Penmanship, General Studies. Deisln any time. Position secured.

C. F. YOUNG'S SCHOOL OP STKMOGHAi'UV, years experience MAKlNtt a business in planning for and SUCCESS at YOUNG SI1M A WOMEN'. cor.l.htIB and HKtH SCHOOL YOUNG PEOPLE fitted for SECRETARIAL and other POSITIONS. Individual and Instructionno classes.

14S MontiiBiiP IJrooklyn, I. V. EPJttG 'Stuttering" and similar speech ilofects permanently removed through Scientific Individually selected exerclafis. Brooklyn School for Stammering, 1 Cambridge place, corner Greene av. THE BROW SCHOOL OF TI'TORfNG ii4l Went Tilth St.

Phone O.iutnbus 8S94. Open oil summer in New York and West End, N. instruction at Schon or at residence in Greater Kw York nnd vicinity an i New Jersey coast. All subjects. I've aration for examination.

Four hoarding students taken. WKSTC KSTKR A CAT) KM White Plains, 1 V. Y. pnparutory nnd boarding school' for girls und hoys in ilei annunis, Strong courses. Ctriiian and French hy nativ-; i i oiii( si iu (citncc.

Outdoor Fpori. i Summer school in New Hampshire. Apply UfctitimusKr uf Academy. OPEN AIL SUMMER. INST1TI TI0.

Commercial, Itegents, Begin any day or 'evening. LM3-J4r. Hyerson st, corner PeKaib and Grand avs. Taught privatrlv evenings; easy payments; write, rail. HOWAUD T.

Git A Xpert Accountant. 44 Court at. STAM .1 nnd speech imped men ts cured. KdUfritioual method. Tnrms reasonable.

Address RATION' PHON'RTIC SCHOOIj, Herkimer st. Brooklyn, YOCXG woman, college graduate, enVictu teacher, highest references, will tutor during the summer. Miss HOI.DCKOFT, 50 South Oxford st, Urnoklyn. 17- FOSTRR Ft T. refined horn; boarding school; beat care and instruction; catalogues; monthly.

Jell it su A OOUKGK teacher will give Tessons in German, French and Spanish; nine years" uudy In K'urope. K. Eagle office. 18-4 Religion, Number of Rev. JOHN Co-Educational.

The Berlitz Schtcl of Languages Brooklyn Brmirh, UIS l.lvlnKtn St. Telephone Main I94. HOHOOI, ALL SUMMER. Leiuona or Residence. I-rlenoV Academy.

Ioouat Valley, Long Inland. N. V. A oo-eilucational school. Collcse preparatory and special course for those nut going to college.

t'Rtaloijue. NKLSON A. JACKKON. A.B.. Prln.

Tor Boys and Young Men. THE POLYTECHNIC PREPARATORY SCHOOL Oft I.IVIIMGSTO.Y STREET, BROOKLYN A SCHOOL FOR BOYS I'reparrt for College or (or llusinest Applicant for next year may now apply and be classified Graduate of the Vubtlc Sehaolm admitted without examination Fred W. Atkinson, Ph.D. Alvan E. Duerr, President.

Headmaster. f.i HOM) NR. Fl Individual Instruction, Day and Evening. Regents (Sept. Exam.) Civil Service.

Sho (hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping.Etc. GREAT NEOK SUMMER SSHOOL AND TRAVEUN6 CAMP mo ni tt ii .1 I ii ii A ii Arc you interested? Send for free illu.strau-d booklet. rapt. A. G.

L.Oft, O. Box 3:1, Great Neck. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. YO i KR CO SER A-i'ORV OF Ml SIC. .1 1 Madison av, near Forty-second.

Lending school of music; at lowest rates; terms iu per quarter. Send for catalogue, KAGTfM PIANO IT osl 1 1 vel taugm in lt to lessions. Catalogue mailed. L'ONOX school, 7." Halsey st, Brooklyn: telephone J74 Buwhwick. IS-i A GTI PI A NO PI, A Yl posl 1 1 vp taugiu in 10 to 20 lessons.

Catalogue mailed. LENOX SCHOOL 757 Halsey st, Brooklyn. Telephone 214 Bush wick. DANCING. BEVERLEY" Haven Dancing Academy.

1416 Fulton st open ail summer; classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings; receptions Monday evenings; drawings Monday nights. IDEAL Broadway, cor. Hanco*ck. Tel. Open all summer, afternoon, evening.

Free booklet. Shirtwaist dancea Sat. 1 I I T-i..

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.