Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (2024)

Quick Links

  • Disable The Steel Watch: Affected Quests To Consider Before You Start

  • How To Begin Avenge The Ironhands

  • How To Break Into The Steel Watch Foundry

  • How To Reach The Neurocitor

  • How To Defeat The Steel Watcher Titan

  • How To Destroy The Steel Watcher Foundry And Quest Endings

The Steel Watch in Baldur's Gate 3 presents a sizable challenge to your progress in taking the Netherstone from Enver Gortash. Rather than storming Wyrm's Rock and facing a legion of his steel soldiers, why not take the alternate route and shut down Gortash's prized constructions?


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Show those folks just how Unstoppable they really are.

This large quest is absolutely crucial to your victory against the chosen of Bane, and you'll want to make sure you've stopped at all the right places before you take it on. If you're feeling ready and you're itching to bash some metal behinds in, then follow us into the city's prized Steel Watch Foundry.

Updated March 12, 2024 by Alexis Campbell: We've updated the article to reflect Patch 5 and 6 bug fixes, including Thula's or Philomeen's spontaneously appearing vat of acid in Act Three. We've also included necessary requisites for involving Barcus in the questline, Tactician-difficulty specific changes to the Steel Watcher Titan, and changes to Bumpnagel's trade inventory.

Disable The Steel Watch: Affected Quests To Consider Before You Start

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (2)

There are several prerequisites to this questline as well as many related questlines that are deeply affected by finishing this quest. In essence, this is a point of no return. Some of the affected questlines and their ties include but are not limited to:

Avenge The Drowned

Finishing the Steel Watch quest first will make it impossible to reach the Iron Throne, and all Gondians, as well as Duke Ravengard, will die.

Blade of Frontiers - Find The Way To Ansur

Starting this quest naturally is no longer impossible without Duke Ravengard. If you disable the Steel Watch before saving him, he will die, but you can wait to receive the book from Counsellor Florrick (if she was saved from prison). She will angrily approach you if you turn down Mizora's offer to save the duke, and persuading her to trust you will reward you with the required book for this quest.

Avenge The Ironhands

Finishing the Steel Watch quest will prevent you from obtaining the Runepowder bomb and potentially turn the Ironhands against you. You will also not be able to speak with Philomeen or buy Bumpnagel's wares.

Prerequisite Quests:Save The Gnome (Barcus Woot), Free Nere (Philomeen), Save The Tieflings

Related Quests:Save Thulla

Attend Gortash's Ordination

If you skip Wyrm's Rock Fortress and disable the Steel Watch before watching Gortash's coronation, Duke Ravengard and all guards of Wyrm's Rock Fortress become hostile. It is not known to be possible to save Duke Ravengard in this manner. Fighting him will result in his death despite Non-Lethal Damage being toggled on.

Consider Gortash's Bargain

If you destroy the Steel Watch Foundry, any alliance formed with Gortash (potential or active) will be considered null and void. Similarly, the same will happen if you free all Iron Throne prisoners.

Avenge The Ironhands was a heavily bugged quest in versions of Baldur's Gate 3 pre-Patch 5. Several people have complained of issues, tested and confirmed by our staff, such as a) Thulla not having anything to say in the Ironhand hideout, b) Philomeen randomly dying (according to system logs) from a mysterious, spontaneously appearing vat of acid and c) Barcus Woot not appearing for them in one or several locations along his questline due to a bug inviting him to your camp in Act Two, rendering the third ending of this questline inaccessible. Up-to-date versions of Baldur's Gate 3 should not suffer these same issues, but reports of Barcus Woot not appearing still occasionally persist.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (3)

To begin this quest without breaking sequences of events or encountering several bugs, it is recommended to follow this path of quest progression:

  1. Find the Ironhands in Rivington to begin the Avenge the Ironhands questline.
  2. Attend Gortash's Ordination and consider his bargain.
  3. Finish the Avenge The Drowned quest (or possibly make a deal with Mizora).
  4. Take on the Disable the Steel Watch quest.

How To Begin Avenge The Ironhands

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (4)

The first step to disabling the Steel Watch is an optional one and requires that you have done the bare minimum of two things:

  • Preventing Philomeen from using the Runepowder during Free Nere's questline in Grymforge.
  • Saving Wulbren from Moonrise Towers.

You may also have elected to save Barcus Wroot from the goblins at the Blighted Village, Thulla at the Myconid Colony, and the enslaved gnomes at Grymforge in Act One and recruited Barcus Wroot to your camp in Act Two by speaking to him at Last Light Inn. To progress his questline, make sure you have spoken to him and invited him at your camp after saving him from Nere in Grymforge (negotiating the gnomes' freedom from the Duergar, if needed) and that you have reunited him with Wulbren and spoken with him afterward to receive the Brilliant Retort bomb.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (5)

With the Ironhand Gnome's leader as your friend and the Runepowder secured, you can discover the Ironhand gnomes at Wyrm's Crossing if crossing the checkpoint doesn't go your way or simply wander into their hideout under the crossing.

The Ironhand's hideout is in the cliffside just southeast of the South Span Crossing.

You can reach it through methods of climbing over a vine wall near the crossing or by jumping down several wooden platforms heading south on the east side of Wyrm's Crossing. It is a cave nestled in a narrow crevice.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (6)

As you enter, the Ironhands should welcome you in if Wulbren has been saved. Barcus may also appear here if you finished his questline in Act Two and received the Brilliant Retort.

Go to the back of the Ironhand hideout and into the room left of the ladder. Wulbren will be in here. Speak with him. After you have spoken to Wulbren, speak to Barcus if he is present; you can find him in the same room as Wulbren if you've completed his questline.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (7)

To disable the Steel Watch, you can agree to use the Runepowder to blow up the Steel Watch Foundry. There is an alternative method, however, if you wish to avoid sacrificing the Gondians (at the risk of losing the Ironhand's support).

We recommend speaking with Bumpnagel. He has powerful unarmed strike gauntlets, but also, more importantly, Arrows of Aberration. These weapons are especially useful against Intellect Devourers and Mind Flayers - helpful for the final part of Act Three.

How To Break Into The Steel Watch Foundry

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (8)

To enter the foundry, the best method is to take a hidden side path from the Wave Queen's Temple. To safely traverse this area, you will need:

  1. Feather Fall
  2. Enhance Jump (for low-Strength characters)

From the corner of the temple nearest the foundry, rotate your camera to see a hidden shore path along the outer foundry fence. You can jump down from this corner to reach it.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (9)

Follow the path forward to a wooden docks area where you can jump up to reach the foundry.

There is one Steel Watcher patrolling this area. You can fight it or attempt to sneak past it and into the foundry through the loading bay or a side door.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (10)

As you enter the foundry, there are two possible outcomes depending on the decisions you've made leading up to your entry.

If you have not completed the Iron Throne, the Gondians will be working. You need to speak to Zanner Toobin in the Security Office on the east side of the foundry. ​​​​​​

You'll need to either kill everyone in the foundry, including the Gondians (not recommended), or agree to save the Gondian's families in the Iron Throne.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (11)

If you have completed the Iron Throne, you'll walk into the foundry to see an interaction between the Gondians and the overseers of the foundry. As you get close enough, dialogue will automatically trigger before leading into a combat scenario.

In this scenario, the Gondians will be your allies as you fight against the overseers in the upstairs section. Speak with Toobin to receive the Security Office Key and temporarily recruit him.

Toobin has access to Aid and Grease, but otherwise, he's best kept in the back due to his squishy nature and the Blinded condition that cannot be removed.

If he is killed at any time, you can use Speak with Dead to receive the necessary password for the control panel ahead.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (12)

Fighting the overseers, there will be detonation devices that spawn when each one is killed. They detonate after one round. To turn them off, you must pass a DC5 Arcana check for the first time and none after.

Disabling the detonation devices will take a full action, so it is recommended to keep a close eye on your action economy to prevent the Gondians from auto-dying and the foundry floor from catching aflame.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: Where To Find Arabella In Baldur's Gate

How To Reach The Neurocitor

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (13)

To reach the Neurocitor, the central part of the Steel Foundry crucial to its destruction, you need to reach the Lab area first. You can do this easily from the Security Office via a doorway at the bottom of the stairs within the office or by operating the elevator lift through the lever on the Security Office's second floor.

We recommend you take the stairs as it will position you better for the fight to come.

Zanner Toobin can offer you the key to the Security Office by agreeing to take him with you or by looting it off his corpse (along with a necessary keyword you need to destroy the Neurocitor in his book).

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (14)

In the Laboratory, you'll find three groups of Gondians surrounded by Black Gauntlets, Flaming Fists, and Hellfire Watchers (upgraded Steel Watch enemies).

If you sided with the Gondians and saved their families, the Gondians in the laboratory will fight with you. You get nothing for saving them all, but they are a big help in this fight.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (15)

For the Hellfire Watchers, it's recommended to use Lightning attacks. The Gondians in this area have plenty of them, making them extremely valuable to keep alive.

We recommend defeating the humanoid enemies first. Although the Hellfire Watchers are concerning, the humanoid enemies can cast spells like Silence, Aura of Terror, and Blight.

There is an alternate strategy, if the initiative is kind to you, to abuse the Hellfire Watchers' detonation sequences. When the Hellfire Watchers begin their sequences, you can use a Shove or Thunderwave on enemies to push them into the blast zones.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (16)

When all enemies in this room are defeated, you can check the corpses. The corpse of Hahns Rives has the Control Level Key you need to progress.

After looting the key, the only other thing of note in this room is a zombie and details about the Steel Watchers' creation on the east side of the room. When you're ready, enter the door on the north side to the Control Centre Antechamber.

Once all enemies in this room are defeated, the laboratory is bugged to no longer consider the foundry as a dungeon. You can abuse this to grant yourself a long rest, if needed, before fighting the boss of the foundry.

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How To Defeat The Steel Watcher Titan

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (17)

Steel Watcher Titan, Gortash's Magnum Opus


369(N) / 497(T)






Large/800kg (Construct)








22 (+6)

12 (+1)

20 (+5)

6 (-2)

10 (0)

10 (0)


Nonmagical weapon attacks




Psychic and Poison

Feats And Conditions


Can see 12m in the dark.

Immutable Form

It is immune to effects like Polymorph and gains a +1 bonus to Saving Throws against effects that would remove this being from this plane.

Magic Resistance

Advantage on Saving Throws against spells and magical effects.

Multiattack - Prone, Restrained, or Maimed

If the target of an attack is Prone, Restrained, or Maimed, the titan can make a Multiattack against it.

Perfect Sentry

The titan cannot be Surprised.

Defensive Protocol: Bulwark

Titan takes its Unyielding state. In this state, it gains Unyielding Construct, Repair Matrix, and the ability to use Hellfire Missiles and Repelling Protocol.

Unyielding Construct (Unyielding Form)

Only an attack of more than 15 damage can deal any damage to this construct in this form.

Repair Matrix (Unyielding Form)

The titan regains 3d8HP at the start of its turn.

Legendary Resistance: Crowd Control (Tactician Only)

The titan has +10 to its next Saving Throw against anything that affects multiple targets (e.g., a Fireball).


Hellfire Curse

Cast a spell that affects a number of targets within 9m to give Disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution Saving Throws.

Main Hand Attack

+10 to hit. Deals 3d12+6 Slashing damage which knocks the targets within this strike's range (3m) Prone and Maims them.

Repelling Protocol

Repel creatures within 10m. Deal 2d8 Thunder damage and, on a failed Strength save, push enemies back 8m and knock them Prone.

Targeting Protocol: Hellfire Missiles

On the first turn, the titan aims Hellfire Missiles at one target within 18m. On the next turn, the missiles fire and deal 20d6 Fire damage. These missiles ignore Resistance and Immunity to Fire damage.

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If you've brought Toobin along so far, he'll wait for you in the Control Centre Antechamber and temporarily leave your party. Both him and the corpse of Lu La Forza in the antechamber will grant you the hint you need:

When it raises its shields, strike it with every scrap of magic and might you possess...

The boss in the following area is a Construct with a large health pool and immense defensive capabilities. When the titan reaches approximately one half of its healthpool, it will reach its second stage.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (18)

There are also three Hellfire Watchers in this room. One is an archer with the ability to use Debilitating Shot.

We highly recommend using strong Lightning magic on these constructs and focusing on them first before the Steel Watcher Titan. Using spells like Chain Lightning or Lightning Bolt are best for defeating them quickly.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (19)

When the Hellfire Watchers are dealt with, you can focus on the Titan.

We recommend having one person with Sentinel to keep the Titan grounded to one spot while your ranged support fires from as far away as possible.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (20)

At half health, when the second phase is reached, the Titan will take its Bulwark Form. All attacks under 15 damage will be null and void, and it will regain 3-24 HP at the start of each of its turns.

More concerningly, it will begin firing Hellfire Missiles at your party members. Since it typically targets ranged units far away, it is easily avoided so long as you move away from the Titan.

The Titan can use Repelling Protocol to push you back. If you run toward the Titan when fleeing Hellfire Missile, you may be pushed back into the blast zone. To avoid this, move in any direction away from the Titan except toward the Hellfire Missile targets.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (21)

Continue laying into the Titan until it is defeated, prioritizing Lightning damage. With its low Dexterity and limited movement, you'll make work of it in decent time.

After its defeat, make sure you loot its remains before speaking to Toobin or interacting with the Neurocitor's control panel. The Titan carries an Infernal Iron and the Legendary bow: Gontr Mael.

Gontr Mael

Legendary bow, +3 enchantment. Shines with light in radius of 6m (Gontr Mael: Glowing).

Promised Victory: On a hit, inflict Guiding Bolt on the target on a failed Wisdom save.

Celestial Haste: Gain 5 turns of Haste and suffer no Lethargic condition when status ends.

Bolt of Celestial Light: As an attack action and once per short rest, you can make a ranged bow attack with this weapon with an additional 1d8 Radiant damage and the possibility to Frighten the target for 2 turns. On all subsequent turns until your next rest, you deal an additional 1d4 damage with weapon attacks made with this bow.

How To Destroy The Steel Watcher Foundry And Quest Endings

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (22)

You can destroy the Steel Watcher Foundry in any of three ways:

  1. Escort and speak with Toobin at the Neurocitor.
  2. Use Speak With Dead or read the book on Toobin (and in the Security Office), The Many Faces of Gond, to receive the password and use the control panel next to Neurocitor.
  3. Interact with the control panel next to the Neurocitor and place the Runepowder Bomb in the centre of the device.

When any of these three options are completed, you'll automatically be placed outside the foundry where Wulbren and the Ironhands will greet you.

Even if you have never spoken to Wulbren and the Ironhands since arriving at Baldur's Gate, they will appear outside the Foundry and congratulate you on your work. The dialogue does not change regardless either.

Barcus, however, is not included in this awkward encounter and must be spoken with at the Ironhand Hideout prior for him to appear.

Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (23)

Depending on your choices, there are three possible endings to this questline:

  1. If you saved the Gondians, you may side with them. Doing so gives you only the Gondians' aid during the final battle.
  2. If you saved and aided Barcus Wroot and the Gondians, you can elect Barcus Wroot as the new Ironhands leader (Persuasion DC15) and gain both the aid of the Ironhands and the Gondians in the final battle.
  3. You can elect to side with the Ironhands in any ending. If the Gondians are still alive, this ending will kill them.

If you side with the Gondians and do not successfully Persuade (DC18) the Ironhands to leave them alone or fail your Persuasion with Barcus, you will have to fight Wulbren and the Ironhands outside the Steel Foundry.

No matter which ending you choose, you'll have at least one faction on your side during the final battle against the Elder Brain. With the Steel Watch out of commission, all that's left now is to turn your sights on Enver Gortash.


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Baldur's Gate 3: Disable The Steel Watch Quest Walkthrough (2024)


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